Can I get a Blue Badge for Arthritis?

The Blue Badge scheme is a national scheme that is managed by the individual local authorities. The scheme aims to provide benefits to those people who most need them and therefore there is a criteria in place that stipulates who should be provided a badge and who should not. Some disabilities will grant automatic eligibility for a Blue Badge and some will require to be tested for eligibility. In order to get a badge all applicants must complete an application form and provide relevant supporting documents. A Blue Badge will usually three years and after this period the badge holder will be required to reapply.

People with arthritis may be in a position to claim a Blue Badge if it impacts upon their mobility. This is not a disability that will grant automatic receipt of a badge but it will be tested. A doctors note stating that a badge should be issued will be accepted as a relevant piece of supporting evidence. If an arthritis is in receipt of the highest level disability benefit they will automatically qualify for a Blue Badge.