Can I get a Blue Badge for Children?

The Blue Badge scheme has been created to ensure that those people who are most needing of support receive it. In order to be provided with a Blue Badge there is a criterion in place that must be met. The badge scheme is managed by each local authority and these organisations have the responsibility of granting badges to people. Application should therefore be sent to your local authority where your case will be assessed.

If you have a child under the age of two that suffers from a disability you may be in a position to claim a Blue Badge. In the majority of cases a badge is granted for these circumstances if a vehicle is required to transport bulky material or if a car is required for emergency matters.

In order for a badge to be granted supporting evidence will have to be provided; this usually takes the form of medical proof or a written letter from a medical professional stating a Blue Badge should be granted.

A Blue Badge may be available when a child passes the two years old mark. In order to receive a badge the parent will have to reapply through the usual application process.