Essex Hospital Compensation Claim

Essex hospital has agreed to pay 4millon compensation to a woman with severe cerebral palsy. The woman, aged 18 years old requires a wheelchair, lacks meaningful speech, has learning difficulties and will also require full time care for the rest of her life. The womans family began legal proceedings against the Rochford Hospital in September 1992; the woman was born with these conditions. The claims were settled quickly by Southend University Hospital Trust, they were commended in the courts for dealing with the case in a suitable manner. Counsel, Margaret Bowron QC, spoke out during the court case claiming that the teenagers mother gave extraordinary efforts in order to look after her seriously disabled daughter. The mother has given up her life in her order to raise her daughter; she is being supported by the girls eldest brother. The compensation will help to pay for a suitable home, which has now been purchased and modified in order to allow suitable access. Care is also being provided to ensure that the woman is catered for appropriately and also to ensure that the family of the woman are helped in areas required. A friend of the family stated, so we are hoping that within a few months they will have a new home, a care package in place and the future will be as rosy as it can be in these difficult circumstances.
The judge stated that the Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation trust aced with speed, good sense and great sensitivity. The family will be paid a lump sum of 1.6 million, with an annual payment of 140,000, which will raise to 175,000 as the woman grows older.