Music piracy unstoppable, Universal admits

An executive who represents one of the worlds large music companies has stated on record that global piracy cannot be stopped. Francis Keeling is the vice president of digital at Universal Music Group International, he said Are you going to stop piracy? No youre not. To try and set that as an objective is just not going to success. Can we make piracy unacceptable? Absolutely, and that has to be our ambition around the world. The music company represents some of the largest artists in the world including Lady Gaga and Rhianna. Mr Keeling made his statements at the Great Escape music convention in Brighton, he also stated, Weve got market like Spain and Italy, where people say you by music? What are you doing buying music when you can get it for free? Clearly those markets are in the situation where, unless we can turn those markets around, were going to have a major problem having a music business there. Univeral Records has been one of the most prominent fighters against the massive business of illegal fire sharing. The business has also thrown its full weight behind the UKs Digital Economy Act. This act will help bring in sanctions against serial offenders; this includes the possibility of temporary internet suspensions. This controversial law was approved last month and is being backed by the majority of players in the music business. The details of the sanctions and how they will be imposed now have to be worked out.