Can I get a Blue Badge for Epilepsy?

The Blue Badge scheme was created to ensure that those who suffer from mobility problems gain certain benefits. The scheme is operated on a national level and the organisations in charge of managing the scheme are local authorities. To ensure that the people who most need the support get it there is a criteria in place. Within the criteria is the guidelines which sets out who is entitled to a Blue Badge. In some cases a badge will be automatically granted due to a disability and in some cases there will be process of assessment.

In some cases an epilepsy sufferer will be granted a Blue Badge; it is likely that a designated driver will use this. The only way to secure a badge based on automatic eligibility with this illness is through receiving the highest level of disability allowance benefit. If the epilepsy sufferer is not receipt of the highest level of this benefit then there will have to be supporting documents and a possible medical assessment carried out.