Student Visa

International residents who wish to carry out studies within the UK must be granted
a visa. A visa is required by all students who are travelling from outside of the
European Union, this is likely to be a lengthy process and the governing body within
the UK is the United Kingdom Immigration and Border Control Agency.

One of the main reasons for the visa being lengthy is due to a trend which occurred
several years ago in relation to student visas. People were entering the country
stating they were entering as students when in fact they were entering the country
on a student visa but then remaining here and working. In many cases these people
have never been in education within the country but instead have entered under false
pretence. Universities and colleges across the country now work alongside the Border
Agency to put in place policies to ensure that those people who enter on student
visas are actually students.

In order to gain a student visa an applicant will have to prove numerous different
things. One of the main matters which must be proven before a student visa is
granted is that they hold the finances to fund themselves through an educational
course and also that they have the funds to live off for the duration of this
course. This is highly important as one of the rules of a student visa is that the
internationals who hold them can not enter full time employment, although they can
have a part time job but this must not exceed sixteen hours per week.

As well as requiring the finances to fund the course and living costs an applicant
must also prove that they have been offered a place on a course at an educational
practice within the UK. This offer will be fully checked and the educational
documents which have been provided in order to secure the place will also be checked
to ensure they are legitimate.

A student visa will only be granted if the applicant is determined as having a
reasonable level of spoken English, this will be tested. A student visa will not be
granted on the basis of an offer being given by an educational institution.

Once a student visa has been granted the individual who holds it will be monitored
to check that they are attending the educational course they stated. If they are
found not to be attending they be investigated by the Border Agency and this may
result in them being removed from the country.

In the majority of cases when a student visa is offered it is for the duration of
the educational course which the individual will be undertaking.