The DVLA is the Diver and Vehicle Licensing Agency

The DVLA is the Diver and Vehicle Licensing Agency and it is part of the UK Government. The organisation has numerous different responsibilities including maintaining a database which holds the details of all drivers and also a database of all vehicles within the UK. The organisation is responsible for issuing driving licenses and is also in charge of managing road tax fees.

Private number plates which have become incredibly popular within the UK are also issued and sold by the DVLA.

The DVLA is an agency that is part of the Department for Transport, it is the direct responsibility of the Minister of State. At present the minister which is in charge is Philip Hammond. The head office of the agency is located in Swansea in South Wales.

Another responsibility of the agency is the management of penalty points which have been given by the police within the UK. The police national computer which is used for the management of traffic offences is linked directly to the DVLA database. The two organisations work closely together to ensure that the roads within the UK are kept safe and that all drivers adhere to the rules put in place.